Package ONE $450
The Foundations Guide - 24 page guide including gear, manual shooting, client experience, posing, and more!
Two 45 minute mentor calls
A live 30 minute editing session (CC while you edit your session)
Package TWO $700
The Foundations Guide - 24 page guide including gear, manual shooting, client experience, posing, and more!
Two 45 minute mentor calls
A live 30 minute editing session (CC while you edit your session)
Shadow Session
1 hr Studio Branding Session (I edit AND you get a copy of the raws for your own use)
You love photography but aren't comfortable shooting manual
When you hear f-stop, composition, or culling you go "huh?"
You love the idea of having someone you can bounce all questions w/o judgement
You want to chase some dreams!!
Package ONE is set to be completely virtual. For Package TWO, all shadow sessions and branding will be done in the Dallas and/or Rockwall, TX area.